iPhone apps coming along nicely, just this week I licensed iTGB from Garage Games, which will hopefully make designing and creating games easier and the games more robust. I am also doing some work for a few clients that need animation and design for their iPhone apps. It's an exciting time to be in the application biz, I find it quite refreshing to be able to conceive an idea, create and execute it, and then take it to market all without having to get approval from anyone (other than going through the process of Apple approval that is, but thats easy relative to what I've been through in TV).
So it's back to the wild West for me, just like back in the 90's when we were doing anything that we wanted, and getting paid (although not much), it sure is fun. I hope to mark a great deal of progress on my own apps in the next month or two, I have hired a programmer named Ken Baer to help with the heavy lifting on the coding end of things, that should help quite a bit.
Stay tuned for updates, and if you don;t have an iPhone or iPod touch, what are you waiting for? Go get one!