Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Shawks Voice Casting

Well I heard the voice actors read through some of the new scripts today, and passed notes on which ones I liked, etc.  It's weird to hear new actors in some of the roles that have always been voiced by friends of mine, but in general they sound pretty good.  I think with some coaching they will all get to where we need them to be.  I think the toughest one of all for me to hear was Randy.  All of the actors really seemed to be trying too hard.  Some of it was enough to make me want to jam a pencil in my ear.  

Kickoff with Cerulean games

Well today I signed a contract with Dave Calabrese (Cerulean games) to start development of the iPhone/iPod game that I have long suffered over.  Now that I'm throwing a sufficient amount of money at it, it will finally come to something.  I have really high hopes, and the best intentions of making something really special out of this.  This project is going to move very fast, and with hard work and some luck it should be in the Apple store by late July.  I will post updates and progress reports as I have them.