You're McCain me crazy

OK, just a rant, and if I offend anyone's politics or sense of "patriotism", so be it, but can i just ask, John mcCain for President? - really? I mean, this guy is older than dirt, loves war, and wants to bomb Iran. I mean, he is certifiably NUTS! Has anyone considered the fact that he is crazy and has PTSD and needs medication, and the only access to any "buttons" that he needs is the "nurse call" and maybe the Morphine drip.
And one more thing, I'm sure we will hear a lot of this kind of talk in the upcoming elections, no matter who McCrazy-head runs against, this line about "Surrendering" in Iraq. My question is this; if leaving Iraq is "surrendering", who exactly are we surrendering to? Is it the thousands of so-called terrorists that are scurrying around in the dark hiding bombs under ladies skirts and next to the road? How do we go about getting them to identify themselves long enough for us to wave a white flag at them? Get real, technically this war was over in two weeks, at least the war GW originally bargained for, the one against IRAQ, we soundly and quickly defeated the Iraqi Army, big deal, they practically surrendered before we got there. But in so doing, we also destroyed what little infrastructure the country had, then we fired all the professional soldiers, completely dismantled the government, and made the entire country completely dependent on the US for absolutely everything except guns and oil, which they have lots of. So here we are, five years later, stuck with the biggest, shittiest babysitting job ever, right smack in the middle of the what Muslims consider the holiest part of the entire Middle East. (Hey I didnt say the war was a GOOD idea, but it was as far along as GW and his buddies really planned) So no, as far as "surrendering", we simply can't, not because it wouldn't be right, or it wouldn't honor our fallen soldiers, but simply because we won the war, five years ago. Yes, the fighting hasn't stopped, but its not the same as a war, it's more like, a carnival came to town, and we're it. Our continued presence there has invited every religious fanatic that ever wanted to fire an AK-47 at a 'real person' feel excited about coming on over to take a shot. What we need to do is different than surrender, it's called withdrawing, and then we can say, hasta luego to what is basically the Middle Eastern equivalent of a bunch of rednecks. (Just imagine the trouble any occupying force in the world would have in say - West Virginia, if they ever decided to try and take up residency and "keep the peace" with an occupying force? I imagine it would be a real free-for-all and a heck of lot of fun for the local sportsmen and hunters alike, - think about it, the NRA would wet themselves, finally a real reason to own an automatic weapon!!)
So get a grip America, or at least the 4 people that read this blog for no reason at all, if you're prepared to let your fear of dark skinned people run you into electing another lunatic, I am moving to Canada, and this time I mean it. And you'll miss me when I'm gone, I know you will.
Labels: John McCain is insane
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