Sarah Palin is a psychopath

Forgive how political my blogs have been , but I know nobody reads it, so who am I really apologizing to? Myself? OK, well it's a good thing because I am about to let loose with some tirade-style opinion and foul language that might make any reader sorry they stumbled onto this particular page. If you have a weak heart or low tolerance to profanity, leave now.
I've been watching the news about this Sarah Palin person, and at first I thought, "well that's great, McCain is nuts and he's selected a woman because he thinks she will bring in all the Crazy Clinton losers who claim they would rather vote for him than Obama. Super, she has no experience beyond two years as Alaska Governor (Smallest population in lower 48 US States) and was mayor of an Alaska town of 9000 for a few years. Typical McCain, quick to make a choice, slow to think, and stubborn as hell to admit he's wrong. (Sound Familiar George?)
But then upon further inspection, and after her first "National TV Interview" she reveals that she is not JUST inexperienced, she's a hatchet-faced, Evangelist Neo-Con Hawk who is obviously the bastard child of the devil himself and Paul Wolfowitz. She's smart, but not the kind of smart you want in the Oval office, she's smart like the kind of smart you expect from a ego-driven power hungry politician. So what's the big deal? Why do people seem to like her so much? Because she has kids? Big Fucking deal? I know barefoot teenagers who have kids?(Palin's Daughter is one). That's not a fucking achievement that is worthy of the presidency (And yes McCain is likely to die in office before his first terms out, not a threat, just biology) She cranks out five puppies, OK, fine, Hockey Mom? Now there's a qualification we should look at. Wait Hockey? Who the fuck plays Hockey in the god damn South? What the fuck do they like aboot that? (Not a typo, meant to type "aboot") I don't buy it, if America has become so fucking sentimental and soft-headed that they will elect a fucking "Mom" to be our God Damned Vice president, then why the Fuck wouldn't they just choose Hillary to the President? At least she would know what the fuck she was doing!? Don't get me wrong, I didn't vote for Hillary, but shit man, I mean, let's make a choice, if you want a woman up there, how about trying not to be sexist and judge based on qualifications, education, and experience instead of how she looks or how many god damned kids she's squeezed out?? - And on a side note, her husband looks a lot like Fred Ward, which is weird.
This woman is a disaster in sensible shoes people, and if you elect that old bastard McCain and this Fucking trollop into the highest office in the land, I will move my family to Canada and hope the fallout from the clusterfuck doesn't reach us up there.
Jesus Christ, I say I can;t be surprised by what the Republican party is capable of, and then they go and surprise me.
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