Shawks - In Production
I expect to get the bulk of the animation finished this month, and polish off details in the first weeks of Sept. hopefully we can push the release of Episode 15 for late August, with other to follow one per month in staggered release. I would rather that the show be great than on time.
Holiday Force is looming big on the horizon. I have a rough draft for a script that I need to pass off to Ross, and after that a couple of weeks I can concentrate on Shawks. I really hate the idea of missing the opening of the new Atomfilms website with the release of the new HF episode, but I will again sacrifice time for quality.
So the Shawks crew we have right now is as follows: Me, Loren, Kennon James, Heath Ofstead, and now Kasey Griffin. Lucas says he wants to help too, I'm just waiting for him to join in.
It's been a crazy summer with the remodel and the insane production schedule I have made for myself, I look forward to a leisurely winter. I think I will only do one film this winter, and thats...... Corn! Halleluiah!!
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