Some Apple Product Reviews
OK, this doesn't DIRECTLY relate to animation, but it's peripheral. I have a couple of recent new additions to the family, one being the Apple TV, and the other, my latest acquisition and perhaps the (THE) coolest gadget I have had my hands on in the last few years, the iPod Touch (16GB).
When i look into buying these things, I always look for reviews, CNET, some forums, and blogs are a good start. But I sometimes want a slightly different take on things than CNET can (or will) provide. In the real world, I want to know if a thing is good to own, not just if it works well. And in the case of the iPod Touch, I wanted to know about hacking it to make it do certain things that Apple should have done in the first place.
So the Apple TV, I got the 160GB model because I never thought the 40GB would be big enough. I waited about a year after they came out to make the purchase, partly because I wasn't impressed with the 40GB storage, but also because I couldn't really see a need for it. I had my old 20GB iPod with music connected to my Amp, and could play selections from my ripped CD collection from there. But the thing that pushed me over the edge were the DVDs. Thats right, Apple doesn't intend you use the Apple TV this way, (if they did they may have made them with a DVD drive built in) but I was realizing that my kids movies were out of control. I could never find the movies I was looking for, the DVDs were getting mishandled and scratched, peanut butter smeared on the disc, you name it. And, I wanted a place to back up the family photo albums. Apple TV did all of this for us. We ripped all the kids DVDs using HandBrake, and copied all the music and photos to it. I now don't have to play music from the ipod, it can be played from the Apple TV, and I know if something catastrophic happens to my Mac Pro, my photos are safe. And the best part, the Kids DVD movies are all neatly organized and available at the touch of a finger.
The iPod touch. When it first came out, I thought it was just what I was waiting for, an iPhone without the phone or the monthly fees. I could use it for email on the go, a handy calendar, and internet access in a pinch. You see I don't travel THAT much, not enough to really justify buying a laptop. In the past, I have had to take my wife's MacBook with me on business trips, leaving her without her computer in my absence. Well, upon investigating, I was disappointed to learn the "iTouch" was lacking the one key application i really wanted; Apple Mail. I knew it would only be a matter of time before it was hacked, so I waited. As soon as viable hacks were published that a person with only intermediate computer tech skills could handle, I pounced. It took an hour or so to figure it all out, and now, I hold in my hand the coolest little Mac PDA ever. I get my Apple Mail, oh yes, but also, iChat, Safari, Stock quotes, Weather, iCal (and not the hobbled version, I have the full on iPhone version that allows you to add events), and many more cool apps, including Solitaire, which I'm totally addicted to. Of and music and movies and even Google Maps. All I need is a wi-fi signal. The good news is, when i travel, I never have trouble finding a wi-fi network thats open, most hotels and airports are kind enough to oblige.
So rock on Steve Jobs, sorry I broke the license agreement, you'll cry all the way to the bank I'm sure. I hope that helps anyone who might be considering either of these purchases.
I LOVE my ipod touch. The only downside is the relatively limited storage capacity. It should be at least 30GB
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